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Using the Custom Renderer

The @react-facet/dom-fiber package is a replacement for react-dom to work with Facets and React in DOM environments.

To use it, simply render using @react-facet/dom-fiber's render function instead of react-dom's one:

import React, { useCallback } from 'react'
import { render } from '@react-facet/dom-fiber'
import { useFacetState, NO_VALUE } from '@react-facet/core'
const Counter = () => {
const [counter, setCounter] = useFacetState(0)
const handleIncrement = useCallback(() => setCounter((counter) => {
return counter !== NO_VALUE ? counter + 1 : counter
}), [])
const handleDecrement = useCallback(() => setCounter((counter) => {
return counter !== NO_VALUE ? counter - 1 : counter
}), [])
return (
Counter: <fast-text text={counter} />
<button onClick={handleIncrement}>Increment</button> <button onClick={handleDecrement}>Decrement</button>

fast-* components#

The purpose of using the custom renderer is to get access to the fast-* family of components, which are drop-in replacement of HTML components that support Facets as properties out of the box. You can refer to the fast-* components for all details

Compatibility with react-dom#

The main drawback of adopting @react-facet/dom-fiber is that some features of React DOM are not ported. The reason for not aiming at total compatibility has to do with React Facet's aim: as a library designed for Game UI development, performance is paramount, and whenever there is a trade-off between compatibility and performance, we opted for performance.

In particular, React DOM goes a long way to simplify the native DOM events. Several of the well known React events, such as onChange, are actually synthetic events made up for React DOM as a good developer experience / cross browser compatibility layer. This is excellent, but it adds some overhead that is not necessary in the development of Game UIs: in game UIs, the browser environment is typically well known and the issue is to deal with a wide range of hardwares, not with different browser engines.

All this means that @react-facet/dom-fiber does not do any cross-browser abstraction, or really any abstraction whatsoever over the default DOM events, as supported by the underlying engine. Since the browser engines for Game UIs that we are currently targeting are based on modern browsers, this does not prove to be a problem in practice: but it does mean that some third-party React components designed to work with react-dom might malfunction when used with @react-facet/dom-fiber, if they rely on react-dom synthetic APIs.

Developer experience#